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contrary to popular belief, ap Veigar is not weak in the laning phase. He can hold his own against Fizz, Orianna, Viktor, and even dominate them.


Fizz is not a counter to ap Veigar

It\'s a misnomer that Fizz is a strong matchup against ap Veigar. In fact, he has very little chance of winning.

Before level 3, Fizz is relatively weak. From level 3 to level 6, ap Veigar\'s key strategy is to maintain distance from Fizz. Since Fizz only has three abilities, he can only engage with Q, E, or Flash. Regardless of which one he chooses, Veigar can easily counter it.


After level 6, Veigar becomes even stronger and can even apply pressure. His Q\'s range with a Doran\'s Ring grants him significant AP damage, especially with the damage amplification from his E.

A single E plus R can clear an entire wave of ranged minions at full health. This is his fundamental strength after level 6.


Veigar should continue to maintain distance and prioritize wave clear. Once he has Tear of the Goddess, he can spam Q and E to harass Fizz. If Fizz takes two or three of Veigar\'s abilities, he becomes a non-threat, even if he manages to land a hit on Veigar.


Veigar\'s power spike and core item

Ap Veigar\'s damage output spikes after completing Tear of the Goddess and Morellonomicon. In my opinion, Morellonomicon is his core item because it provides: AP, ability haste, mana regeneration, and additional mana restoration for assists and kills (20%). This increased mana restoration is crucial for Veigar\'s dominance in team fights.

Why ap Veigar is strong:

Laning Phase:

Keyword: Passive, Harassing

The most important aspect of playing ap Veigar is to play passively. While it\'s important for other AP champions to avoid losing farm, Veigar should not be concerned about it. Before level 6, losing 10-20 farm is perfectly acceptable because he can quickly clear a wave with three E\'s and two R\'s after level 6. By that point, he will likely have Tear of the Goddess, so he doesn\'t need to worry about mana.

Veigar does not experience an exponential disadvantage from being denied farm. An opponent who denies him 10 farm in the early game will not necessarily deny him 50 farm later on.

Therefore, my approach is to farm as much as possible before level 6, but to avoid dangerous minions if necessary. Remember, it\'s better to lose minions than to take damage or give up a kill.

While I believe that Veigar may have a slight disadvantage before level 6, there is no champion who poses a significant threat to his safety. However, he may be denied some farm.

After Level 6:

Keyword: Passive, Harassing, Safe Distance, Wave Clear

Passivity: After level 6, many champions gain significant kill potential.

These champions can be divided into two categories:

Assassins: Zed, Talon, Diana, LeBlanc

Burst Control: Annie, Malzahar

I recommend banning Zed because, in my opinion, he is Veigar\'s most dangerous opponent in both team fights and laning.

The reason lies in his superior mobility, which makes it difficult for Veigar to land his abilities.

Veigar does not fear Diana or LeBlanc.

Firstly, it\'s unlikely for LeBlanc\'s W to hit Veigar, as its range is approximately 600 yards. If he does get hit, it\'s likely a sign of poor play.

With LeBlanc\'s W out of the equation, she only has three remaining abilities.

It\'s crucial to dodge her E. After dodging it, LeBlanc will likely W into range and cast Q. Veigar should respond with QE to stun her back. If she has no more abilities, maintain distance until the cooldowns are over.

With burst control champions, it\'s important to stay at a safe distance, watch for their flashes, and avoid their engages. If they have no crowd control, feel free to harass; if they do, play defensively until their cooldowns are down.

Mid-Game Weakness:

Veigar\'s weakest phase is the mid-game, when teams start to roam and group. Veigar lacks ganking potential, which can make this period challenging.

My approach:

Avoid forcing ganks. Without clear information about the jungler and mid laner, stay in the mid lane.

Focus on wave clear and push the minions towards your tower.

In the worst-case scenario, if your teammates get caught or dove, don\'t panic. Once Veigar completes his two-item core, his team fight damage can compensate for the deficit.

Communicate with your team, advising them to play cautiously and avoid unnecessary deaths.

Why ap Veigar is Strong:

Wave Clear:

Veigar has incredible wave clear. With ap Veigar, many team compositions struggle to take objectives due to his rapid wave clear. A single E can clear a wave, occasionally requiring an additional R. In tower sieges, he can clear minions in seconds. Without minions, Veigar can hold his own in skirmishes, even if he is 8000 gold behind. Therefore, with Veigar on the team, it becomes difficult for the enemy team to push objectives.